marzo 19, 2025

El Museo de Semana Santa de Pozo Cañada abrirá en verano.

El delegate of the Junta in Albacete, Pedro Antonio Ruiz Santos, announced on Tuesday that the Semana Santa Museum of Pozo Cañada will be open to visitors starting this summer. The museum will house images, chalices, reliquaries, banners, and ancient tunics, under the guidance of historian Luis Guillermo García.

Ruiz Santos made this announcement during a press conference held at Casa Perona to unveil the 2025 Semana Santa poster in the town of Albacete, as reported by the Junta in a press release.

Regarding the museum, the delegate stated that the project has been developed over two years and will have a total cost of 25,000 euros, funded jointly by the Government of Castilla-La Mancha and the City Council of Pozo Cañada.

«This is another step towards enhancing the Semana Santa of Pozo Cañada, by having a museum that can be visited throughout the year, but especially during these dates,» he said.

As for the Semana Santa festivities in Pozo Cañada, Ruiz Santos emphasized its status as a Regional Tourist Interest Festival since 2018, highlighting the history and devotion that surround this celebration in a town with less than 3,000 inhabitants.

The mayor of the town, Francisco García Alcaraz, began his address to the media by thanking the Government of Castilla-La Mancha for their support in launching the Semana Santa Museum.


Focusing on the religious festivity, García Alcaraz referred to the poster for 2025, created by Juan Manuel Núñez, which depicts the procession throne of the Brotherhood of the Towel Cross, «the symbol of Christianity.»

He also mentioned two new additions to this year’s Semana Santa, including the departure of the brotherhoods of the Lord of the Reed and the Christ of Agony from their headquarters.

Regarding the scheduled events, the mayor highlighted the 21st edition of the Cornet and Drum Bands contest, taking place on April 12; on April 13, Palm Sunday, there will be a concert of Procession Marches by the ‘La Primitiva’ Musical Group, and on April 14, the unveiling of the image of Jesus Nazarene after a restoration process.

Within the Semana Santa festivities, García Alcaraz focused on the procession of The Encounter on Good Friday, where the Roman Partners participate in a representation of The Arrest, depicting the moment when Jesus Nazarene and the Sorrowful Virgin meet on the way to Calvary. These unique aspects have contributed to the declaration of our Semana Santa as a Regional Tourist Interest Event,» the mayor pointed out.

Attending the presentation of the Semana Santa poster of Pozo Cañada alongside the delegate and the mayor were the councilor of the area, María José Carretero; Diego Marcos, president of the Brotherhood of the Towel Cross, who will announce the festivity and lead all processions; Juan Soria, president of the Brotherhoods Board, and the town’s parish priest, Francisco Callejas.



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